Thank you to the Rainbow girls and their sponsors for a wonderful breakfast in August. It was hearty indeed, pancakes, sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs…what more could a Mason want?
Mesa Assembly #9 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
To our Masonic Family, Friends, Local Businesses and Supporters,
2023 is a very important year for Rainbow Girls and we are looking forward to attending Grand Assemblyi n June. Not only will it be a fun experience to share with ourRainbow Sisters throughout the state and other jurisdictions, iti s achance for us to learn and grow in our leadership and service.
This year we have the opportunity to earn free registration for the members of our assembly, adult advisors and parents. We are selling ads within the Arizona Rainbow PLUS program book for Grand Assembly. 50% of each ad placed goes directly to the Grand Assembly account of the girl who sold it! Grand Assembly registration (which includes hotel and food, could all be paid for with just a few ads.
Our goal is to raise at least $ 3,000.00.
•A full-page ad in the Arizona Rainbow PLUS program book is $200.00
•A half page ad is $100.00
• A quarter page ad is $50.00
• A business card size ad is $25.00
We welcome the opportunity to highlight your support ofArizona Rainbow. Ads can be placed for the Lodge/Chapter, as an individual or abusiness. Please complete the attached form and submit with payment for any ad you place. If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you for your consideration.
In Rainbow Love and Service,
Mesa Assembly #9
Pleas see the form below: